Launching R-Ladies East Lansing!

Welcome to our new chapter!

What we’re about

R-Ladies East Lansing is a local chapter of R-Ladies Global. We meet to discuss, learn, teach, present, work on all things R! Our priority is to provide a safe community space for anyone identifying as a minority gender who is interested in and/or working with R. The group exists to promote gender diversity in the R community worldwide. We are pro-actively inclusive of queer, trans, and all minority identities, with additional sensitivity to intersectional identities.

Who should join?

R-Ladies East Lansing welcomes members of all R proficiency levels, whether you are a new or aspiring R user, or an experienced R programmer interested in mentoring, networking & expert upskilling. Our non-profit, civil society community is designed to develop our members’ R skills & knowledge through social, collaborative learning & sharing. Supporting minority identity access to STEM skills & careers, the Free Software Movement, and contributing to the global R community!

Anyone and everyone interested in R/Data Science should join our group and participate/contribute in any way you can, be they learners, teachers, developers or innovators! We encourage women and minority genders to present/lead most sessions, conversations but we have no restrictions whatsoever when it comes to membership, participation, and discussions. So, please join us and bring your R-family & R-friends!

How to be in touch?

Access our presentations, R scripts and more on Github and follow us on twitter to stay up to date about R-Ladies news! Join the Meetup group to be notified of the first meeting in July!

PS Community Policies & Code of Conduct:

Full community guidelines are found here:

R-Ladies East Lansing
~ Janani Ravi & Camille Archer